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The Metal Boat Society

Membership in The Metal Boat Society


Enrollment in Metal Boat Society will be completed by providing information seen below and on the following series of pages.  Upon completion of the process you will already be logged in to the site.  Following payment you will be fully enrolled in MBS and all membership options become available.

Member e-mail Address & Password

The enrolment process requires a working email address that will be used in communication with MBS.  The standard User Identification for the member is his/her email address.  It is possible to change the email address at a later date as circumstances change, but it needs to remain a functional link to the member.  An initial password will be delivered to the mail address in order to gain access for member privileges.  Password options include:
  1. use the password generated by MBS on subsequent logins
  2. use the "change password" feature during a session to set you own password choice
  3. use the "forgot password?" feature upon another login at a later date to receive authorization by email
  4. You also have the option to use your FaceBook or Google login.

Membership Data

One aspect of membership is Member Level.  You will be asked below to select a level to begin the process.  The principle levels are Regular for individuals and Commercial for organizations.   MBS considers the person who registers to be the principal contact person for the family or organization.

Because level and other required information is quite important, a "confirm" button is provided to cement the submittal.  Prior to confirming your choice, you may adjust the level and other data.  However once confirmed and before payment is posted there is no option to modify the level of member.  Approach this choice carefully.

Privacy and communication with MBS are important to the relationship and control is given to the member.  Privacy section of the profile specifies how data will be shared.  Data will not be sold or divulged to others. Email section specifies the type of notifications a member is receptive to.  Do consider setting these aspects while creating or modifying the membership profile. 

Members have ability to display photos in their own profile.   Please consider uploading at least three pictures into your profile: A portrait of yourself, another of your spouse or partner, and at least one photo of your boat.


Renewal of an existing membership is handled by going to "View profile" located just under your name in the upper left side of the page.  Here you will be able to renew or change your membership level.

Payment Options

First, you may use a credit card service to complete membership.  Credit card data will not be retained beyond the immediate transaction as a safeguard measure. 

You may also print the invoice presented during registration or renewal and mail it with a check to MBS office address shown on the bottom of this page and on the "Contacts" page.  Be aware that this option does add significant time to the process, likely several days, we hope no more than ten, because no regular paid staff is available to process mail receipts.

A Final Note

Do please log out when leaving the site.  Now proceed to register following the pages below.
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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level
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